Use this area to type or paste the word or phrase you want to add (or replace). Fetch parses multiple word entries into individual keywords. Fetch also ingores case when searching by keyword. This icon indicates that the keywords listed in the box below cannot be modified. Editable Keywords list This box contains keywords currently assigned to this item which can be modified by administrators and users (optional). Extracted Keywords list This box contains keywords taken from resources attached to the item's source file and cannot be modified. To omit these keywords when adding or updating, disable the "Extract Keywords" option in the Add/Update Options dialog. To confirm the changes and close this dialog box, click this button (or press the Return or Enter key). To close this box without saving any changes, click this button (or press Cmd-Period). To replace the selected keyword in the adjacent list with the word appearing in the box atop the list, click this button (or press Cmd-R). To delete the selected item from the adjacent keyword list, click this button (or press Cmd-D). To add a word or phrase to the editable keywords list, type the word in the box to the left then click this button (or press the Return or Enter key).